Rebecca's Happy Place


About Moi

 I reside in the Lone Star state, but I hail from the beautiful, and rainy state of WA and plan on returning to the land of my fathers when I turn eighteen (which is regretably, still nine months away.)

Unlike most teens, I do not attend a "real" school... instead, I am homeschooled, and so very proud of it! I am in my senior year and enjoying every minute of it; likewise, most of my classes are college courses through the community college in my area and I am in the middle of my third semester. I have tackled both ENGL COMP 1 & 2 (which broadened my writing horizons considerably,) and Psychology (which I adored.) Currently I am taking Nutrition, and Creative Writing and plan on taking about four classes winter quarter.

Have you heard of People to People? If not, here's a link to their website:
and the reason I ask is because if accepted, I will be traveling with them to England and France next summer as an ambassador (I think that's pretty, crazy cool.)

Back to writing; after two years of painstaking labor I am pleased to say that my novel (at a whopping 6 lbs.) is "finished" and that I am this close: [       ] to being ready to query agents. Why am I still hesitant? Because I recently submitted my excerpt to this amazing writing contest: and must be patient to see what the judges have to say.

As an ending note, I will now present random facts about me (in no particular order):

1. I am in love with Lord of the Rings

2. My favorite books are the classics (my all time fave is "To Kill a Mockingbird") but I also enjoy, "Twilight" because honestly, what teenage girl doesn't?

3. I enjoy the Jonas Brothers when I feel like dancing (which is "quite" often)

4. I am a happy person

5. I work with some of the wackiest people ever at good ole' Boston Market


6. I adore my two cats

And now you can finally go and read some of my work! Enjoy!

~Creative Writing~


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